El Robin Hood Criollo

     There was a boy , who promised his mum he would be rich and be president. However , he couldn't make it ; go to university and then he made some bad things, very very bad things that parents don't tell them in tales to their children at night. ONLY He helped to homeless people , that's it? No! How many times I must mention that he was a beautiful minded person. Over years, people just believe documentaries and media. It's really hard for other countries to admit that he screwed up them in every way. His favourite singer was Elvis Presley . He was a normal person like everyone but his job was extremely different.

     Armed forces searched for him about 4 years , I believe that his belief rescued him until the very end. After all,he wrote his own history and now I'm supporting him like he was my father. Today 1st December , the first day of the most emotional month of the year as it's the last month of the year. This day also carries Escobar's birthday. The legend's birthday ! His last birthday was in 1993,I fucking hate these numbers 1-9-9-3 . He was 44 years old and now today he is 63.  My legend was killed a day after his birthday , I won't write anything for in memory of Pablo Escobar . Tomorrow, I'll feel 3 bullets in my heart.           


Happy Birthday Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria 


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